The Right Assessor for Your IME: Spotlight on Brain Injury Assessors

Written by NYRC Team | Jul 22, 2021 2:32:00 PM

Finding the right assessor for your Independent Medical Examination (IME) is critical to the success of your case. With June designated as Brain Injury Awareness Month, we take a closer look at the details of specialized assessments for examinees with potential brain injuries.

Why Do We Need IMEs?

IMEs are aimed at providing an objective, evidence-based third-party assessment of the examinee’s medical status. To conduct an IME in the most effective manner possible and identify the cause and extent of a person’s injury, it is crucial to ensure that pre-existing doctor-patient relationships are not involved. However, as an examinee, you might wonder who will run your assessment and whether the process is affected by any third party. At NYRC, we can guarantee absolute information security and a totally unbiased approach. Our goal is to make you feel safe and comfortable during your visit; that is why we shared some general information about IME professionals working with us here. In this blog, we would like to dive deeper into the range of specialties and successful collaboration with medical experts across Canada, paying special attention to brain injury assessors.

Essential Pre-IME Steps

Each IME begins with defining the list of questions under consideration, for example, diagnosis, cause, fitness for work, and proposed treatment. Since IME services often involve complex medical, legal, and disability topics, it is vital for organizations offering them to have Regulated Health Professionals in oversight roles. In other words, clinical staff should review medical briefs coming from referral sources to make sure that documentation is complete and the correct IME specialist, i.e., the assessor, is chosen for each case.


The roster of professional medical experts at NYRC allows us to find the best fit for each case, and then it is the assessor’s job to review the file, run all required tests and examinations, and write a comprehensive, accurate, clinically supported report. While expertise is crucial for every IME, brain injury-related assessments require special attention and an expert level of knowledge.

What You Need to Know About Brain Injuries

In June, Brain Injury Awareness Month highlighted how essential it is to understand the effects and causes of brain injury to Canadians. Over 1.5 million Canadians live with an Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) that often has life-altering symptoms. Besides, it is believed that a brain injury occurs every 3.5 minutes in Canada, making ABI more widely spread than Multiple Sclerosis, Spinal Cord Injury, HIV/AIDS and Breast Cancer combined.

A brain injury can lead to several physical, cognitive, and behavioural impairments that could be permanent or temporary. Common symptoms of a brain injury include the following:

  • coordination and balance problems
  • chronic pain
  • fatigue, seizures, and sleep difficulties
  • vision or hearing difficulties
  • impaired speech
  • depression and low frustration tolerance
  • difficulty expressing emotions appropriately
  • memory loss and problems with attention and concentration
  • slowed information processing
  • problem-solving difficulties

Given the number of possible symptoms and the fact that each brain injury is unique, there are numerous ways it can affect a person’s day-to-day life and functioning. Apart from physical symptoms such as dizziness and headaches, a person might experience psychological symptoms that pose serious challenges when it comes to performing work tasks. That is why when it comes to brain injury-related claims, it is crucial to have your IME performed by a professional brain injury assessor who can manage your file with care and precision.

Brain Injury Assessors

As Canada’s trusted partner for IME services, we have extensive experience working with clients who have suffered from Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI) as a result of personal and work-related injuries (slip and falls), car accidents and any other trauma. We know that a TBI can be a life-altering event and that its effects can impact a person’s private life and the ability to work. What is more, when a recovery period can last several weeks or extend to years, it is crucial to get professional help as early as possible. If you’re unsure whether a person suffered a brain injury, send us the case details, and we will help you determine the right expert for your case.

Visit this page to learn more about our disability assessments, IME services, and what we do to make sure that your experience with NYRC is professional, effective, and pleasant.


Stay safe and healthy!